Melissa Fish-Crane Begins Term as IREM’s Boston Metropolitan Chapter President


Melissa Fish-Crane

The Institute of Real Estate Management® (IREM®) Boston Metropolitan Chapter No. 4 is proud to announce that Melissa Fish-Crane, CPM, NAHP-e, principal and COO of the Peabody Companies, a group of award-winning property management and real estate firms, has been installed as the 2021 Chapter President for the organization. Installation of all officers for the organization took place during a virtual ceremony held on December 2.

A resident of Hingham, Fish-Crane has been affiliated with IREM since 2011. She was named IREM CPM Candidate of the Year in 2011, and serves as the qualifying member for certification of Peabody Properties as an Accredited Management Organization (AMO). She was also honored as the Boston Chapter IREM Professional Woman of the Year in 2017.

In addition to her affiliation with the Peabody Companies and IREM, Fish-Crane sits on the Metro Housing Boston Board of Directors and the National Affordable Housing Management Association (NAHMA) Board of Directors. She is a member of Metro Housing Boston’s Champions of Housing Committee and the MassHousing Multi-Family Advisory Committee. Fish-Crane is also a National Affordable Housing Professional (NAHP-e), achieving the level of C13P through Spectrum, and was named the National Affordable Housing Executive Professional of the Year by the New England Affordable Housing Management Association (NEAHMA) in 2015. She was named a top CEO by Glassdoor, was awarded the NAHMA President’s Award, was honored as an “Outstanding Woman in Family Business” by The Warren Group, and was named to the prestigious “Woman of FIRE” list, an annual recognition award acknowledging key female players in the local FIRE (Finance, Insurance and Real Estate) sectors, celebrating the best and brightest women in their industries.

Previously Fish-Crane served as Co-Chair of the Greater Boston Real Estate Board Foundation, was appointed to the NAHMA Educational Foundation and served as Chair of the Board of Directors from 2016 to 2018. She also served as Chair of the Training and Education Committee as a member of the Board of Directors of NEAHMA, as Co-Chair of the Rental Housing Association (RHA) Education Committee, and on the Board of Directors of the National Kidney Foundation, including serving as Co-Chair of the successful Boston Kidney Walk for both 2013 and 2014.

Other officers for 2021 include Vice President Neilie Sequeira, CPM®, ARM®, Wingate Companies; Treasurer William Woodward, CPM®, ARM®, First Realty Management Corp., AMO®; Secretary Chris Salamanis, CPM®, Beacon Communities; and Executive Councilors Tony Susi, CPM®, ARM®, First Realty Management Corp., AMO®; Pamelia Haynes, CPM®, ARM®, Micozzi Management; Kristin Pine, CPM®, ARM®, Peabody Properties, AMO®; John Parda, CPM®, ARM®, The Simon Companies, AMO®; Scott Chakoutis, CPM®, Trinity Management Company; Yoany Vargas, ARM®, CPMC, Housing Management Resources, AMO®; David Barrett, CPM®, ARM®, RCM Services; Gregg Jenner, CPM®, ARM®, The Simon Companies, AMO®; Christopher Mellen, CPM®, ARM®, The Simon Companies, AMO®; Peter Lewis, CPM®, Schochet Companies, AMO®; Nancy Gaudet, CPM®, Corcoran Management Company, AMO®; Kimberly Parker, ARM®, CPMC, The Abrams Management Company, Inc.; Frank Cevetello, CPM®, First Realty Management Corp., AMO®; and Warren Lizio, CPM®, ARM® Immediate Past President, The Simon Companies, AMO® .

“While the pandemic has left its mark on the real estate industry, our chapter is poised to nimbly shift with the times,” said Fish-Crane. “I’m excited to lead the Boston Chapter of IREM, and humbled by the quality of people who make up this organization.”

“We’re thrilled to welcome Melissa as our chapter president,” said Kelley Hannon, IREM Association Executive for the IREM Boston Metropolitan Chapter No. 4. “Her record of leadership and breadth of education and professional development strongly position her to lead our organization adeptly, even in this most challenging time.”

About the Institute for Real Estate Management®, Boston Metropolitan Chapter No. 4

IREM® is an international institute for property and asset managers (headquartered in Chicago) providing complete knowledge to take on real estate management’s most dynamic challenges. For more than 85 years, IREM has been the world’s strongest voice for all things real estate management; today membership encompasses close to 20,000 leaders in commercial and residential management.

IREM Chapters are independently incorporated, organized groups working in partnership with IREM headquarters to advance the institute’s strategic initiatives and grow the real estate management profession. They offer local connection, continuous learning through IREM courses, networking via business or social events, and volunteer opportunities through chapter leadership and community outreach.

The Boston Metropolitan Chapter No. 4 was founded on May 4, 1938. The growth of the chapter has paralleled the expansion of the real estate industry and the property management profession in its region of influences, and is now the largest chapter of the organization. Melissa Fish-Crane serves as the chapter’s 2021 president. Offices are located at 202 Parke Avenue, Quincy, MA 02171. For more information, please call 617-436-7565, email, or visit

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