Habitat for Humanity of Greater Plymouth (HFHGP) is pleased to announce the organization recently received an additional grant of $70,000 from the Pinehills Affordable Housing Charitable Trust (PAHCT) in support of their ongoing construction of three homes on Long Pond Road in Plymouth. Families have been selected for all three homes, with two designated for military veterans who are single mothers raising children.
“We are proud of the partnership we have nurtured over the past several years with Habitat for Humanity of Greater Plymouth,” said John Judge, President, Pinehills LLC. “We are glad to support the important work of Habitat, ensuring that there is much-needed affordable housing for families in our community, and cannot wait to celebrate the dedications of the three homes currently in progress on Long Pond Road in Plymouth.” “The Pinehills Affordable Housing Charitable Trust has been such an amazing and generous supporter of Habitat for Humanity of Greater Plymouth for several years,” said Jim Middleton, executive director of HFHGP.? “We are so thankful for their partnership, and for their continued commitment to ensuring affordable housing.
“Decent housing is always vital, and during the COVID restrictions everyone is spending more time at home,” Middleton continued. “Limitations are multiplied for families who may have suffered reduced employment while having very limited outside activity available. The pressures of substandard, overcrowded, or overly costly housing are magnified.
“Now more than ever Habitat for Humanity of Greater Plymouth is dedicated to championing for affordable housing, and it is through our partnerships with organizations such as the Pinehills Affordable Housing Charitable Trust that we are able to help those most vulnerable,” Middleton said.
More efforts are underway to identify and secure new land throughout the organization’s region, which includes Plymouth, Kingston, Carver, Middleboro, Plympton, and Lakeville in order to help address the significant increasing need for affordable workforce housing.
About Habitat for Humanity of Greater Plymouth
Habitat for Humanity of Greater Plymouth is a registered non-profit organization with a mission of providing decent affordable housing in the region. Their office, along with its ReStore, is located at 160 N. Main Street in Carver and the service area includes Plymouth, Kingston, Carver, Middleboro, Plympton and Lakeville. In addition to complete home builds, they also make repairs on existing homes that are essential for health and safety. An application process is required for those interested in becoming a Habitat homeowner and for home repairs. HFHGP is continuously seeking volunteers, financial support, and furniture/building material donations to the ReStore. More information, volunteer sign-up, and applications can be found at www.hfhplymouth.org, and readers are encouraged to follow HFHGP and HFHGP ReStore on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. Questions can be directed to info@hfhplymouth.org or 508-866-4188.