Scott Wragg
Tracy Gallagher Retiring After Nearly 20 Years at the Helm
CBIZ today announced the appointment of Scott Wragg to Senior Managing Director of CBIZ Tofias, the New England Division of CBIZ. This move marks CBIZ’s transition into a new generation of leadership and growth within the New England accounting industry.
“CBIZ is thrilled to have Scott lead the New England offices during an exciting time of growth and expansion,” said Chris Spurio, President of CBIZ Financial Services. “Scott has a comprehensive understanding of our clients’ needs, and the vision and leadership skills to take New England to new heights.”
Wragg is the successor to Tracy Gallagher, who is retiring after 32 years with the company, including nearly 20 years as Senior Managing Director of CBIZ Tofias.
Gallagher and Wragg will serve as Co-Senior Managing Directors until Gallagher retires onMay 31. Wragg will then take over as Senior Managing Director effective June 1.
“Scott has been a leader at CBIZ Tofias since the day he joined 12 years ago,” said Gallagher, outgoing Senior Managing Director. “His experience, passion and commitment to our clients’ success have made him an invaluable and trusted advisor. His dedication to both our clients and our people, among many other attributes, will make this a very smooth transition.”
Wragg joined the company as a Managing Director in 2005. He has been working in public accounting for over 30 years. Wragg graduated from Bryant University with a Bachelor of Science degree, followed by a Master of Science in Taxation. After graduating, he joined the Boston office of international accounting firm EY. Wragg spent 20 years at EY, where he rose to Partner before joining CBIZ Tofias.
Prior to taking on the role of Senior Managing Director, Wragg was the New England Tax Practice leader.
Wragg has worked with many of the company’s clients. His expertise is in federal, state and international tax minimization strategies, and he consults on topics related to accounting for income taxes, effective tax rate planning and tax risk management.
“Our growth is due to focusing on our top priorities: our clients and our people,” said Wragg. “We will continue to find more ways to provide insights and ideas to our clients, serving as valuable business advisors year-round. We plan to invest even more resources in key industries and specialized areas of expertise to effectively service our clients as their businesses grow and evolve.”
CBIZ Tofias provides accounting, tax and consulting services throughout New England to private and public companies in more than a dozen industries; not-for-profit organizations; and high net-worth individuals and family groups. The New England offices, located in Boston and Providence, comprise 200 people. To learn more about CBIZ Tofias, please visit
CBIZ, Inc. provides professional business services that help clients better manage their finances and employees. CBIZ provides its clients with financial services including accounting, tax, financial advisory, government healthcare consulting, risk advisory and valuation services. Employee services include employee benefits consulting, property and casualty insurance, retirement plan consulting, payroll and HR consulting. As one of the largest accounting, insurance brokerage and valuation companies in the United States, the Company’s services are provided through more than 100 Company offices in 33 states.