Verrill Dana was recently recognized for its unparalleled client relationships in the brand new BTI Power Rankings 2016: The Law Firms with the Best Client Relationships. In the rankings, clients identified Verrill Dana as a Leading Core, go-to firm in Energy, positioning it in the top 5% of law firms within the global energy industry. The firm was also named to the Honor Roll of Recommended firms in Utilities, ranking it in the top 10% of law firms in the world within the utilities industry.
“New England’s energy industry is experiencing a period of tremendous opportunity and growth, and Verrill Dana is proud to work with a broad range of sophisticated clients who are bringing innovation and success to the region,” said Juliet Browne, Co-chair of the Energy Group.
Results of the BTI Power Rankings, which analyze client relationships as they pertain to a law firm’s growth, are based on direct, unprompted feedback through in-depth interviews with General Counsel and C-level executives across the world in 16 industries.
Verrill Dana’s Energy Group consists of a well integrated, multi-disciplinary team of experienced professionals. Due to the depth of experience across a wide range of areas, including utility and environmental regulation, real estate, finance, corporate tax and government relations, the Group is able to meet the needs of clients in today’s evolving energy markets and regulations. Learn more at
Verrill Dana’s Water & Wastewater Utilities Group focuses on local, state and federal regulation of suppliers and users of water and wastewater services throughout New England. The Group represents water utilities and customers in a wide variety of cases before the Maine Public Utilities Commission, as well as regularly provides legal advice to water and wastewater clients on matters such as corporate finance and bond issuance, service connections, limited service agreements, easement procurement, environmental compliance and mergers and acquisitions. Learn more at
“We are grateful for the recognition of the extraordinary and talented team of lawyers in our energy group,” said William Harwood, Co-chair of the Energy Group. “From securing environmental approvals for new electric transmission lines to developing a new energy corridor, the Verrill Dana energy team has the experience and depth to meet the growing needs of today’s energy companies and to best support them for success.”
About Verrill Dana: Verrill Dana, LLP is a full-service law firm conducting a nationwide practice from offices in Boston, Mass.; Portland and Augusta, Maine; Providence, R.I.; Westport, Conn.; and Washington, D.C. To learn more, visit