When you think of disruptive companies, those that forever altered the competitive landscape in which they operate, there are a few that instantly come to mind.
Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL), Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA), Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN), Netflix (NASDAQ:NFLX) and Uber (Private:UBER) are a few that completely disrupted the way we do things.
In the coming decade, there is one company set to be just as disruptive - but in a slightly different way. It's a blue-chip, steady dividend-paying stock that is quietly becoming a disruptor in a way that many investors have yet to acknowledge - creating an opportunity for profit as the masses realize its potential disruptions.
General Electric (NYSE:GE) is an old industrial giant that is probably one of the last companies you would expect to have disruptive potential. When you think about companies like GE, you think about industrial manufacturing, airplane engines or GE's recently sold consumer appliance division.